Kochen für Schlampen - Hamburg, Berlin, Zürich

21. Februar 2009

Swei’hun’swanzich un ein bier bittää!

Gespeichert unter: Uncategorized — groefaz de la cuisine @ 10:31

Feines blogprojekt: Irgendein “restaurant” betreten, nummer 22 und ein bier bestellen, resultat fotografieren und aufessen und dann das foto und den erfahrungsbericht hier veröffentlichen.

“Number 22 and a beer” aims to be the most unusual dining guide on the web and needs your contributions to make it a success. After all, how often can a single human go out to eat?

It is simple enough. When dining out in “fine” establishments that use numbers to make the ordering process simpler, no matter what ethnic direction the restaurant might adhere to, do the following:

1. Order a number 22. And a beer, if possible. 

2. Take a photo of your “Number 22 and a beer”.

3. Let the world know about it by submitting your contribution by email to: number22andabeer(@)me.com

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